Check to be sure the email addresses have been entered correctly for your participants.
Click the Participants tab on the left hand side of your dashboard.
Click on the user's name. This will take you to their profile page where you'll be able to see their email address and make sure it is correct.
Edit their email address if necessary and re-invite the participant.
If all email addresses look correct, ask users to check their spam folders. If you still cannot locate the invitation email, please submit a request for support to our Help Desk at
You can also manually send your participant the link to your invitation email.
From the survey taker's profile, navigate to their email tab.
From there, click on the Email campaign.
Under Campaign Recipients click the "+" next to the participant's name.
This will show you the link to send to the participant to set up. Select the website address after "account_activation_url." This is the link you can manually send to your participant to set them up in the system.