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Who should take the CCAT?
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Written by TCC Support
Updated over a week ago

All senior staff leaders and managers of an organization should take the CCAT (this includes the Executive Director, administrative director/managers, program directors/managers, financial directors/managers, etc.). TCC Group developed the CCAT to be administered to senior leaders with the belief that they are the key decision makers at an organization and are therefore the best judges of specific types of organizational capacity.

In addition to senior staff, at least one to two board members should take the CCAT. Invite board members who know a lot about the organization and can adequately respond to questions about its functioning and capacity. (This may not necessarily be the board chair.) TCC Group understands that there are many board members, perhaps justifiably so, who will not be able to respond to most questions.

A minimum of 3 individuals must complete the assessment in order to generate valid results.

TCC Group suggests inviting one to two board members because some organizations have more board members than paid staff leaders. The CCAT is intended to be primarily a staff leaders' assessment, and while it needs to include the board voice, it should not be skewed to a level where findings in the report are in fact the "board's assessment" of the organization.

Only full-time senior staff members and board members who know the organization should take the CCAT. The only exceptions occur if an organization is comprised entirely of volunteers or has part-time senior leaders. While TCC Group does not generally recommend that volunteers take the CCAT, volunteers can play key leadership roles in some organizations. For these organizations, it is appropriate for those volunteers to be included in the organization's assessment process. (For the purposes of the CCAT, Board members do not count as volunteers.)

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